Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What is something that is important to you that you feel you need to tell others about?

Have you ever sat back and thought about the things that are important to you? Over the summer I was asked to think about what was important to me. After some time thinking about it, because honestly at first I had no idea, It took some thinking. But after that I ended up making a short list and a long list. On the long list are the things that I originally came up with just like a steady stream of thoughts. The short list was a few things I found most important. Here is what I came up with; Strength, Freedom, Laughter and Happiness , which do kind of go hand in hand, playfulness (or child likeness), and Friendship. These are the things that I can't live without and think are incredibly important. I have a few ideas how to incorperate them or convey them in my artwork, but unfortunately I have some theories that don't mesh well. But I feel ready to explore the childlike ness in my work. I can also combine the laughter and happiness with it.


  1. are you going to do something with strength, freedom, happiness, or laughter.
    do like, a recording of someone laughing and play that or something.

  2. I think this is a good idea, and I think you should find a way to distinctly incorporate more than one idea into a piece and maybe make a piece with contradicting ideas.

  3. I like the interelated aspects of your short list. As we discussed don't stress about how to catch everything in one project. It's okay to leave some elements of discovery for the audience. Also... spell check...
